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Desert Drone presents Fiddle Henge

Category: Event Calendar

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Fiddle Henge July 5th at the downtown Wooden Tooth Records with support from Maiiuwak and Julio Lopez.

Fiddle Henge is an electroacoustic instrument designed by Ross Wightman, created to investigate themes related to performance practice, virtuosity, timbre, and resonance. Fiddle Henge is a robotically controlled array of four violins mounted on a 24” bass drum that is played by a motorized acrylic disk. Fiddle Henge was inspired by a collection of mechanical musical instruments and automata from the turn of the 20th century before phonographs and recorded music forced them into obsolescence, namely the Mills Violano-Virtuoso. Similar to the Violano-Virtuoso, the circular bow of Fiddle Henge allows tones to sustain indefinitely.