Lecture: Tucson’s Presidio During the Mexican Era
Category: Event Calendar
Date and Time for this Past Event
- Saturday, Jan 20, 2024 2pm - 3:30pm
**Lectures are held across the street from the Presidio Museum in the Monsoon Room at JoJo's Restaurants, 201 N. Court Ave. Food and drinks are available for sale during the lecture.
Presenter: Historian and Presidio Trust Board Member Mauro Trejo
Saturday, Jan. 20, 2 pm
$5/person at the door, or register online by clicking here.
Hear what life was like in Tucson during the Mexican Era, a transitional and important period, which is often glossed over in most tellings of our history. Discussions will include events that affected life here prior to Mexican Independence, what life was like in Tucson at the time, and what made the Mexican Era in Tucson so significant.