Second SundAZe: Family Day @TMA!
Category: Event Calendar
Date and Time for this Past Event
- Sunday, Jun 9, 2024 10am - 5pm
Tucson Museum of Art
140 N Main Ave
Visit the museum and explore the subject of landscapes. Discover what landscapes are on view in the museum galleries and get inspiration for the projects offered that day. Families will be encouraged to create their own landscapes using different materials such as watercolor, oil pastel, and collage.
- Family Yoga with Yoga Oasis, 11:30 a.m.
- Art-making Activities in Mooney Hall, 11 a.m.- 2 p.m.
- Landscapes three different ways using watercolor, oil pastel, and collage.
Second SundAZe is presented by The Stonewall Foundation Fund held at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona.
Visita el museo y explora el tema de los paisajes. Descubre cuales paisajes están en exhibición en las galerías del museo e inspírate para los proyectos que se ofrecen ese día. Animamos a las familias a crear sus propios paisajes utilizando diferentes materiales como la acuarela, el pastel al óleo y el collage.
- Yoga Familiar con Yoga Oasis, 11:30 a.m.
- Actividades Artísticas en la Sala Mooney, 11 a.m.- 2p.m.
- Paisajes en tres formas diferentes usando acuarelas, pastel al óleo, y collage.
Segundo Domingo es presentado por The Stonewall Foundation Fund, custodiado por la Community Foundation for Southern Arizona.