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10th Annual Downtown Window Decorating Competition


Vote for your favorite holiday window display

Downtown Businesses Compete in the Holiday Window Decorating Competition

DOWNTOWN TUCSON, AZ, December 16, 2019 - It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Downtown Tucson! Downtown businesses are decorating their storefront windows for the holidays, vying for the distinction of best dressed window.

Grand prize winners will receive two round trip tickets to anywhere in the continental U.S. provided by Fletcher McCusker. The People’s Choice Award will win an overnight stay at the AC Marriott in Downtown Tucson, compliments of the AC Marriott.

The Grand prize winner will be selected by a panel of judges and the People’s Choice winner will be selected through social media likes on the Downtown Tucson Partnership’s Facebook album. A Facebook “Like” on the business window photo counts as a vote.  Online voting has been extended to January 6 with winners announced the same day.

The Window Decorating Competition is part of Desert Nights Downtown Lights, five weeks of festivities in Downtown Tucson. In addition to hundreds of events, performances and specials - 153 street trees are tight wrapped with white LED lights and over 60 downtown buildings are illuminated outlining Tucson’s unique skyline, visible from I-10 and the foothills.

Don’t miss Jácome Lights, another feature of Desert Nights Downtown Lights located at Jácome Plaza on the corner of Stone Avenue and Pennington Street. The plaza is filled with over sized game pieces, chess, Jenga, ping pong, checkers and more. Red bistro tables and chairs fill the café area and a 10ft tall lit ornament is available for lovers and families to take a photo in. The plaza is open seven days a week and features an outdoor holiday movie on December 20.

Downtown Tucson Partnership thanks the following sponsors: Visit Tucson, Pima County, HSL Properties, Pima Community College, University of Arizona, Rio Nuevo and Downtown Development Corporation.

More information about the Downtown Tucson Partnership can be found here.

DTP Media Contact: Zach Baker, Marketing & Communications Manager
