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City High School partnership with Watershed Management Group and Downtown Tucson Partnership


City High School partnership with Watershed Management Group and Downtown Tucson Partnership

City High School with Watershed Management Group received a NOAA Recharge the Rain grant to create community resilience and green infrastructure. 

City High teacher Jennifer Knochel says “This grant is important for our students because it empowers them to be leaders and make a difference in their communities.  Our goal is to teach them skills that will allow them to actively participate in creating solutions for a resilient community. “

The new water harvesting system will gather 2,300 gallons that City High will offer to the Downtown Tucson Partnership to water the urban landscaping pots in the downtown area. Currently water is trucked in for watering. 

Joaquin Murrieta-Saldivar, Cultural Ecologist at the Watershed Management Group says, “It’s important for schools to get involved in water harvesting because these students are the ones that are going to be the leaders who develop, retain, and enjoy rivers in Tucson. The students are the future in this city which is why we are working with them.”

About City High School

City High School, founded in 2004, is a public charter school in downtown Tucson, Arizona, with a focus on civic engagement and college readiness. City High School engages students with challenging academics and the community resources of Greater Tucson to become active citizens and responsible stewards of the world. City High School serves 185 students annually and is under the umbrella of the education nonprofit CITY Center for Collaborative Learning. For more information visit

This Press Release was provided by City High School.

Media Contact:

Jennifer Knochel
Sustainability and Desert Youth Gardening Teacher
City High School
520-623-7223 Ext. 108