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DTP Releases Third Round of the Gift Card Incentive Program with Help from HSL Properties


DTP Releases Third Round of the Gift Card Incentive Program with Help from HSL Properties

DOWNTOWN TUCSON, AZ, April 15, 2020 – Downtown Tucson Partnership (DTP) is stepping up again to infuse cash into the downtown community through the DTP Gift Card Incentive Program, this time with help from HSL Properties. The great success of the first two rounds of gift cards, led HSL Properties to generously provide the $10,000 required to fund another 1,000 gift cards. This will result in another $35,000 invested directly into the downtown businesses, bringing the grand total up to $105,000 in a matter of days!

Here's how the program works: Buy a $25 gift card from the Downtown Tucson Partnership for use at your favorite downtown business and receive a free $10 bonus. That’s right: For every $25 gift card purchased, HSL Properties is adding an additional $10 for up to 1,000 cards. HSL Properties’ investment of $10,000 will result in $35,000 going directly into the tills of downtown business cash registers, a much-needed boost in these troubled times.

Kathleen Eriksen, President & CEO of the Downtown Tucson Partnership, encourages people to act fast as the cards sell very quickly. “We're thrilled to be able to offer a third of gift cards and are very grateful to HSL Properties for their generous sponsorship. We encourage everyone to get on our website early Friday morning."

This new round goes on sale at 6 a.m. on Friday, April 17. Round two sold out in a little under 2 hours! 60 businesses are participating, including your favorite restaurants, museums, breweries, boutiques, hotels, grocers, spas, gyms and more:

Get a great deal and invest in downtown's future. Remember, the sale goes live at 6 a.m., Friday, April 17, so get your gift cards while supplies last. Visit for more information and a link to purchase the gift cards online.

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