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Mayor’s Tree Lighting Ceremony Lights Up Black Friday!


Desert Nights Downtown Lights Begins November 23rd – Black Friday w/ Mayor’s Tree Lighting Ceremony

Tucson, AZ, November 20, 2018 - Downtown Tucson is turning on the lights this holiday season with Desert Nights Downtown Lights, powered by Pima County. This five-week long celebration kicks off with a retooled Mayor’s Tree Lighting Ceremony! The ceremony is scheduled for this Friday, November 23rd at 5:00 PM in Jácome Plaza, located in Downtown Tucson. The ceremony is being held three weeks earlier than normal and is a stand-alone event, separate from the Parade of Lights & Festival.

“Having the event earlier extends the holiday season for the community and the Downtown merchants. By hosting the ceremony on Black Friday, we’re providing the community three more weeks to enjoy Downtown festivities, patronize the businesses and take in the breathtaking holiday décor.”  stated, Kathleen Eriksen, CEO with the Downtown Tucson Partnership(DTP).

Downtown Tucson Partnership is organizing several events and cross-promoting a plethora of independent shows, specials and holiday events and promotions to encourage visitors to eat, drink, shop, play and stay Downtown for the holidays.

This year, the Mayor’s Tree Lighting Ceremony, will feature EIGHT youth mariachi groups, Ballet Folklorico Tapatio and of course the tree lighting ceremony with Mayor Jonathan Rothschild. The City of Tucson has generously sponsored this year’s tree lighting. It’s even bigger and brighter than last year! The community holiday tree will be displayed from November 23 rd through the end of the year.

The following day, November 24th is Small Business Saturday. Downtown Tucson Partnership will be sponsoring FREE STREETCAR RIDES ALL DAY SATURDAY. Downtown Tucson Partnership is encouraging shoppers to come Downtown and support small businesses. From 11 AM -5 PM, shoppers will have the opportunity to receive a Golden Ticket inside a participating Downtown local business. The shopper will then take the Golden Ticket to the DTP tent in Jácome Plaza to retrieve a swag bag that may contain a Downtown gift card between $20-$100!

Downtown Tucson is the place to be this holiday season with nearly 60 buildings adorned with thousands of holiday lights, over 150 tight-wrapped street trees and approximately 50 decorated storefronts. The result is an elegant, unified display of holiday cheer. Plan out your holiday experience at


The Downtown Tucson Partnership is committed to being the catalyst for making Downtown Tucson the place people want to live, work, and play; where new ideas happen; and that is the economic development and cultural epicenter of the region. More information about the Downtown Tucson Partnership can be found here.