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Ninth and Final Gift Card Round Goes Live Friday at 9 a.m.


Ninth and Final Gift Card Round Goes Live Friday at 9 a.m.

DOWNTOWN TUCSON, AZ, June 10, 2020 – Get set for the ninth and final round of Downtown Tucson Partnership’s hugely successful DTP Gift Card Incentive Program starting at 9 a.m. Friday, June 12.

Sponsors of this “Community Round,” which will make 800 gift cards available, include the Downtown Development Corporation, Tucson Industrial Development Authority, Larry Hecker and Scott Parks.

Here’s how the program works: Buy a $25 gift card from the Downtown Tucson Partnership for use at your favorite downtown business and receive a free $10 bonus. Participating businesses include restaurants, museums, breweries, boutiques, grocers, spas, gyms and more.

Since DTP’s gift card program began April 3, over $300K has been invested in more than 60 downtown businesses. Eleven different sponsors have made a total of 8,800 gift cards available, infusing much-needed cash into the tills of downtown businesses.

“The sponsor and community support we have seen has literally kept downtown businesses alive,” said Kathleen Eriksen, President & CEO of the Downtown Tucson Partnership. “Several businesses have seen revenue exceeding $10,000.”

Thank you to the generous support provided by all of our sponsors: Bourn Companies, Downtown Development Corp., Downtown Tucson Apartments, Downtown Tucson Partnership, Holualoa Companies, HSL Properties, Larry Hecker, Presidio Tucson, Rio Nuevo, Scott Parks, and Tucson Industrial Development Authority.

“[This program] is one of the best examples of a successful public-private partnership I have ever seen. It is win-win for everyone,” said David Furmanski, owner of Empire Pizza & Pub on Congress Street. “I’m proud to be a business owner downtown and grateful to DTP and all the patron organizations that supported each round and most importantly all the amazing people in Tucson that bought each round of gift certificates so quick in their desire to support local businesses.”

Visit for more information and a link to purchase the gift cards online.


Special thanks to:

Tucson Industrial Development Authority, Downtown Development Corp., Larry Hecker and Scott Parks