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Cultural STEM Day: It Takes a Pueblo

Category: Event Calendar

Date and Time for this Past Event


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Fundraiser with Las Azaleas, Salvador Duran, featuring Gabriel Ayala, and very Special Guest astronaut Capt. Robert “Hoot” Gibson on guitar! And with space art by Michelle Rouch, space jewelry by Planet Exophilia, and popovers / fry bread by baker, Sherrie Cruz!

This unique event features retired astronaut, Robert “Hoot” Gibson playing guitar and singing! The all-female led Mariachi band Las Azaleas will welcome you, and the reading of the official proclamation for Cultural STEM Day will be followed by a complimentary tequila toast. Local favorite Salvador Duran next, and then the evening concludes with the magical Gabriel Ayala! A special musical treat for your ears, a never before heard duet, is possible, too.

Space artist Michelle Rouch will be exhibiting her Art Work. Popovers / Fry bread and Indian Tacos will be available for purchase made by Tohono O’odham baker Sherrie Cruz, and Planet Exophilia will be showcasing her spacey hand-crafted jewelry.

WHO: All funds go to our Taking Up Space educational program for Native American girls.

WHAT: Fundraiser with all female Mariachi Band Las Azaleas, astronaut and musician Robert
“Hoot” Gibson, musicians Salvador Duran and Gabriel Ayala, pop-overs / fry bread by baker 
Sherrie Cruz, Space Jewelry by Planet Exophilia, with ArtWork by Michelle Rouch

WHERE: Presidio San Agustín del Tucson - 196 N Court Ave, Tucson, AZ 85701

WHEN: March 20th from 4:30PM – 8:00PM
COST: $20 Admission fee includes one free beverage for toast; $15 for preordered contribution

SPONSOR: Tucson Federal Credit Union