Gabriel Evan New York Calypso Orchestra ~ Night 1
Category: Event Calendar
Date and Time for this Past Event
- Friday, Nov 18, 2022 7pm
The Century Room
311 E Congress St
($20-$30 tickets / 7pm & 9pm sets) NYC Saxophonist Gabriel Evans brings his whimsical take of early calypso, hot jazz, and mid century Exotica to the Century Room for two nights! From Tchaikovsky to Mancini and Chopin to Lecuona, the Gabriel Evan Orchestra recreates the feeling of when the vastness of the musical world shrank in the early-mid 20th century, allowing collaborations and the sharing of ideas previously unattainable.
Gabriel Evan (saxophones) Max Goldschmid (trombone) Jonathan Eldridge (piano) Colin McIlrath (bass) Arthur Vint (drums)