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Allande Footbridge Allande Footbridge | Downtown Tucson Partnership Skip to Main Content

Allande Footbridge

Category   Historic Landmarks


210 W Pennington St
Tucson, AZ 85701

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#5 on Turquoise Trail Map: This bridge, crossing Pennington St., is dedicated to Don Pedro de Allande y Saabedra who was appointed one of the first commanders of the Presidio in 1777. Allande personally financed the early construction efforts at the Presidio, which was the largest in the Southwest. Allande was also ruthless in his attacks on the Apache. Allande wrote in a letter to Carlos III, king of Spain that “all of the Apache attacks on this Presidio have been repulsed with heavy losses to the enemy. Lines of countless Apache heads have crowned the palisade” (Desert Documentary, by Kieran McCarty, 1976). As is well known, the Spanish, Mexicans and Americans all attacked the Apache until, in 1886, the surrender of Geronimo ended the “Apache war.”

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