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Snake Bridge Art Repair Project: Now through Mid-June Read More
Hotel Congress Hotel Congress | Downtown Tucson Partnership Skip to Main Content
Snake Bridge Art Repair Project: Now through Mid-June Read More

Hotel Congress

Category   Historic Landmarks


311 Congress St
Tucson, AZ 85701

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#19 on Turquoise Trail Map: Built in 1919 across from the railroad depot, this hotel was popular with train travelers. It became famous in 1934 when members of John Dillinger’s gang rented rooms. While they were there, the building caught fire and the gang paid some firemen to carry their bags outside. The firemen didn’t open the bags but wondered why they were so heavy; the bags contained submachine guns and bulletproof vests. The gang was recognized from a “True Detective Mysteries” magazine and soon arrested. In addition to its infamous history, the hotel has a beautiful lobby and is home to The Cup, a popular downtown restaurant. It also hosts an active night spot called Club Congress.

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