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Storefront Vinyl Program

The Downtown Tucson Partnership is excited to introduce the Storefront Vinyl Program (SVP)! The SVP is a new storefront beautification and activation program featuring professionally designed vinyl displaying information on available commercial space, lease information, a downtown map, and/or a vision for the future use of each space. A special thank you to Rio Nuevo for sponsoring the SVP.


Program Stats:

10 Vacant Storefronts Wrapped to Date

108 Empty Windows Wrapped

1,622 Square Feet of Window Space Wrapped

177 Businesses Listed on Downtown Map


One South Church, 1 S. Church Ave. 

DTP Partnered with ZFI Holdings Inc. to promote their ground floor retail/office suite in Tucson's tallest building. For inquiries, call 520-797-6700.


Z Beauty Bar, 25 E. Congress St.

DTP has partnered with Z Beauty Bar, a collective of beauty suites in the heart of downtown. Opportunities are available for beauty professionals, including estheticians, hairstylists, body artists, lash technicians, nail technicians, and more. Open salon chairs are currently available for rent, along with a 1,400 sq. ft. upstairs space suitable for a variety of industries. To learn more, call 520-257-5806.


AC Hotel by Marriott Tucson Downtown, 151 E. Broadway Blvd.

DTP Partnered with the AC Hotel to promote their prime ground-floor retail space available. For inquiries call Volk Company at 520-326-3200.


35 Toole, 35 E. Toole Ave.

15 vibrant vinyl wraps have been added to the windows at 35 E Toole Ave, in partnership with Fenton Investment Company. This historic warehouse, featuring 8,000 square feet of divisible space with 22’ ceilings and exposed trusses, is available for lease. For restaurant & retail inquiries, call 520-797-6700.


Historic Chicago Store, 130 E. Congress St.

One of the newest and most striking installations is at the historic Chicago Store, 130 E. Congress St. This collaboration with artist Sean Cannon and Peach Properties showcases pop artwork featuring notable figures like Andy Warhol, Bob Dylan, and Linda Ronstadt, adding a rich, historical dimension to downtown.


Antojitos, 63 E. Congress St.

Another recent SVP installation promotes the upcoming business Antojitos at 63 E. Congress St. This family-friendly spot, featuring playful “coming soon” vinyl, will offer raspados, light food fare, and an indoor play area for kids. The concept is brought to life by Real Good Concepts, known for popular downtown destinations like La Chingada, Cruda, The Nei DWTN, and LUST DWTN.


Pueblo Vida Brewing Company (service entrance), 41 S. 6th Ave.

DTP partnered with Pueblo Vida to revive broken and vacant windows at their service entrance along a busy pedestrian corridor on 6th Avenue. The vinyl was designed by Saywells Design and printed & installed by Busy Bee Signs.


Transamerica Building, 177 N. Church Ave.

DTP partnered with Presidio Management to add a downtown map and business listings to the vacant ground-floor space at Church and Alameda. The vinyl also features a QR code for people to sign up for DTP email updates, so they can stay in touch with downtown.


Former Brugger's Bagels, 1 W. Congress St.

DTP partnered with the Fox Tucson Theatre to transform this prominent storefront on Congress into a vibrant storytelling piece featuring pictures of the historic theatre, musicians and performers over the years.


Old Chicago Music Store, 130 E. Congress St.

DTP partnered with Peach Properties to add a downtown map and business listings to a heavy foot traffic area along Congress and 6th.


Interested In Participating?

Are you a downtown property owner, manager, or broker with a vacant downtown storefront? Let's discuss wrapping your storefront with vinyl through the Storefront Vinyl Program (SVP)! Email Jenny Knight, Marketing Specialist,


Program Eligibility and Requirements

  1. Targeted SVP locations are vacant/unoccupied ground-floor commercial spaces that have a primary entrance from the sidewalk and are located within the downtown Business Improvement District (BID) boundaries. The property must be up to date with its BID payment.
  2. All surfaces utilizing the window vinyl should be glass. All windows must be structurally intact with no cracks or major deficiencies.
  3. The property owner, property manager, or a tenant responsible for the windows is required to fill out and sign a DTP Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk form.
  4. To maximize the impact within the constraints of our funding, we request that the window vinyl remain displayed for a minimum of 90 days.
  5. The Downtown Tucson Partnership (DTP) works closely with property owners to incorporate their ideas and ensure their approval of the design and content of the storefront vinyls. However, final decisions regarding design and content will be made by the DTP to maintain consistency and alignment with the program’s goals.



Special Thanks To:

The DTP extends special thanks to Rio Nuevo and the participating businesses and properties: Fox Tucson Theatre, Presidio Tucson, Peach Properties, Transamerica Building, Pueblo Vida, Real Good Concepts, Fenton Investment Company, AC Hotel, Z Beauty Bar, and ZFI Holdings Inc.