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DTP Committees & Councils

The Downtown Tucson Partnership’s Board has several committees and councils, which offer opportunities for the involvement of the general public; we welcome the input of downtown’s diverse stakeholders and the wider community.


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee represents the the Board as a whole, and includes each of the Standing Directors and up to three At-Large members. The committee meets the second Thursday of every other month alternating with the regular full Board meetings.

Chair: Crystal Moore, DTP Board Chair


Downtown Merchants and Retail Council

The Downtown Merchants and Retail Council (MRC) is a group of active business members in Downtown Tucson that includes owners, operators and staff of retail, restaurants, shops, hotels, services, museums, theaters, bars and offices.

Chair: Krystal Popov

Learn more about the Merchants and Retail Council →


Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Council 

The Downtown Neighborhoods and Residents Council (DNaRC) is a standing committee of the DTP that represents thousands of people who live, work and enjoy downtown. DNaRC serves as a conduit for downtown area neighborhoods and residents to stay informed about current and future plans for downtown. The council also provides a forum to ensure that neighborhoods have an opportunity for meaningful input into the shaping of policies, programs, and projects that accompany downtown development. DNaRC meets the first Monday of every month (unless otherwise noted through email by the Chair).

Chair: David Bachman-Williams


Finance Committee

The Finance Committee reviews the organization’s financial reports, audits, and other financial documents and provides feedback to the staff. The committee meets monthly on Tuesdays the week before the Executive and full Board meetings.

Chair: John O’Dowd


Governance Committee

The Governance Committee identifies and recruits candidates for election to the DTP Board of Directors. They review potential Board Member applications and recommend a slate of new officers to the Executive Committee and the full Board of Directors for final approval. The committee meets as needed.

Chair: Cameron Taylor


Social Justice Committee

The Social Justice Committee oversees the creation and implementation of Downtown Tucson Partnership's Strategic Diversity Plan 2021-2022 which outlines 6 SMART goals that will represent the focus of the organization's diversity and inclusion activities over the next two years. The SDP plan includes comprehensive action plans that describe the specific steps, key participants, and completion dates needed to achieve each SMART goal.

Chair: Randi Dorman

Learn more about the Social Justice Committee →